Welcome to Central Waste

Recycling & Waste Management

Recycling benefits everyone, from a child to a pensioner no matter what age one is everyone wants to save some part of our wonderful world we live in. It only takes one to start a cycle that will one day benefit all those around.

Waste Management & Recycling Services


Central Waste specialises in a full spectrum of recycling, including

  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Plastic
  • Bags
  • Scrap metal
  • Confidential shredding
  • Waste managment

Recycling Programmes

We work closely with schools and other institutions to help facilitate recycling by providing advice, equipment, and collection services.

  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Hospitality Industry
  • Industrial & Commercial
  • Residential

Landfill Airspace Savings

Quantity of solid waste going to landfill will be reduced, therefore landfill site space will be saved. Savings in airspace brought about by recycling should be quantified and used to offset recycling costs. For every ton of paper recycled 3 square meters of land is saved.

Recovered Fibre releases Methane Gas when sent to landfill – Methane gas which is not only flammable is 20 times more potent than CO2 which contributes towards global warming.

For every ton of paper recycled 17 trees are put to other use as trees sequester carbon.

About Central Waste

Central Waste began operations on the 1st August 1994 as a family business. Over the years we have grown from just collecting paper and cardboard to providing a service to the city of Pietermaritzburg and the surrounds and being involved in the recycling of almost all recyclable material (paper, cardboard, plastic and steel).

We have a staff compliment of 61 locally employed individuals and provide an income for in excess 500 informal traders and hawkers.

Get In Touch

033 397 0758


Head Office

174 Ohrtmann Road
Willowton, Pietermaritzburg

Central Waste PMB

Tel: 033 397 0758
Email: info@centralwaste.co.za

174 Ohrtmann Road
Willowton, Pietermaritzburg

Central Waste Howick

Tel: 033 330 2005
Manager: Guy McGarry

39c Ogilvie Road
Merrivale, Howick

Central Waste Hammarsdale

Tel: 072 616 7845
Manager: Lucky Ndlovu

Valvick business park
18 – 25 Green Road, Hammarsdale

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